februāris 18, 2012

tev oranži mati

Heyyy! :)

This day is soo goood! :)
In the morning I went to referendum. In Latvia we'll speak only in Latvian not Russian. Screw you Russians!
After then I came home, watched some TV shows. Then Jenny called me and we decided to go out for a while and after then came to me. Ate some cupcakes, drunk some hot chocolate and watched some horror movie. As always we took some stupid and funny photos. We just love being crazy.

and some nice photo too, of course! :)

Yeah, today I got an interesting call. It was strange but sweet. And Madara [in pic] told me that she have a little present for me. I know what it will be and I'm sooooooo happy and yeah, I just love that girl. Miss her sooo much! :(

Now I'll watch the new episode of Vampire Diaries. :)

Have a nice day!


februāris 17, 2012

Forever Young

Heyyy! :))

Agh, today was sooo good. It would be perfect if I wouldn't be soo sleepy all day long.
Soo, school were great. I had only 2 tests not 3. And in chemistry we had laboratory work. I was in the same group with Liva, Simona, Krista and Aivars. And it was fun, yeah. The best chemistry lesson ever! All those big flames, stinky substances and tableware on fire!

After school I came home, made delicious pizza for dinner and watched hockey game. Dinamo won! :))

Soo, I thought that I'll go to city tonight. There is really good party, where new bands are playing. But this time I'll pass. I'm feeling soo tired that all I can think about is sleeping in my bed, drinking a lot of hot chocolate and watching my tv shows.

Hope you all have a good Friday night. Enjoy it!


februāris 16, 2012

hold you close tonight

Hey! :)

I took a little break from my studies. Feeling ready for 2 tests. After break I'll learn something for bio and then sleep sleep sleep.
I have no idea how I'll wake up tomorrow. The only good thing is that it's Friday tomorrow. So no more school and learning for this week and next week too! Yayyy! :))

Anyway, I know that I really rare put here some photos of me, so special for this I made one.

Me sleepy and tired from school and tests. ;D

Sweet dreams! xx


you stole my heart*

Hey readers! :)

Ugh, it was sooo awful day. Tired. All I can think about is sleep but I have to do sooo many things.
Soo, about today. Went to school. Had 9 lessons. Write test in cultural science. I hope that I'll get a good mark because I'm not really good in those art things. Fingers crossed.
After school I met Iluta. We went to cafe, ordered big ice-cream with chocolate sauce and just talked about girl stuff. Good feeling! :)
Then I went home and now I'm here. Trying not to sleep. I have to get ready for 3 tests + other home works. Seems, that this will be a long night for me. :(

Love you all!


februāris 15, 2012


Heyy! :)

It's Wednesday already, can you believe it? Just to more 2 days and it's weekend! Yayyy :)

Actually, I'm in really good mood today! Had an amazing day at school. Got some good marks :))
After school went to Amway cosmetics presentation. Found some really good things.. definitely have to buy something.
Then I came home and watched hockey. A little bit sad that we lost. :(
Now I'll watch some TV shows and then sleep. Feeling really tired today.

Have a nice evening!


februāris 14, 2012

Vamos Barça

Heyyy! :)

Some time ago, I said that I'll go watch Titanic but after then I decided that I want to watch football. And I'm really glad that I watched it because Barca won 3:1 and Alexis scored 2 goals! Yayyy! :)) I'm really happy! :))

And now I'll take some rest because it's school tomorrow as you know.

Sleep tight! xx




Soo, I didn't had time to write something here yesterday, but anyways, there wasn't anything interesting..
Ouu, although yesterday I had this amazing dream..So, before sleep I was watching some photos and I fell in love with this one..

and I was thinking that I want that thing too.. sooo badly.. and about my dream.. it was strange but so real, I was looking out to my window to sky..and there were sooooo many beautiful stars.. and they were falling..and it all looked soooo perfect.. ahh, really good feeling..

But, it's enough about dreams.. today I got my mark for English essay and I'm happy. Ok, I know that I can write better but this one was quite good too :)))

Yeah, as you know it's Valentines day today.. Don't have special plans for it..I just made some nice dinner for me and baked my favorite cupcakes.. Njammmiii

Now I'll go watch TV because it's Titanic going there..I'm watching that movie every year.. just love it!

Soo, I hope you all have a perfect Valentine's day! Love you all!


februāris 12, 2012

One Thing

Heyyy! :)

It's Sunday already and it's school tomorrow again. :(
Soo today I just get ready for school, went out with Jenny..ughh, it's soooooooooo freezing out there.. I hate winter. I want summer and all the nice things that comes together with it!!

Soo, when I came home I just finished watching my tv shows and now i'll take a shower and so on ;D

Ouu, this weeks discovery for me is this group One Direction. Ok, I knew that they exists, but I never listened to their songs. So I did it and I kind a like them. Especially - One Thing.
Soo, if you just like I didn't listen to them, maybe you should try too! ;)

Hope you all had a nice weekend! :)
