Soo, I didn't had time to write something here yesterday, but anyways, there wasn't anything interesting..
Ouu, although yesterday I had this amazing dream..So, before sleep I was watching some photos and I fell in love with this one..
and I was thinking that I want that thing too.. sooo badly.. and about my dream.. it was strange but so real, I was looking out to my window to sky..and there were sooooo many beautiful stars.. and they were falling..and it all looked soooo perfect.. ahh, really good feeling..
But, it's enough about dreams.. today I got my mark for English essay and I'm happy. Ok, I know that I can write better but this one was quite good too :)))
Yeah, as you know it's Valentines day today.. Don't have special plans for it..I just made some nice dinner for me and baked my favorite cupcakes.. Njammmiii
Now I'll go watch TV because it's Titanic going there..I'm watching that movie every year.. just love it!
Soo, I hope you all have a perfect Valentine's day! Love you all!
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