Braukt ar riteni pa vecu, nobružātu lauku ceļu, ieskatīties debesīs...nesteigties, kad ir jāsteidzas. Satikt īstos draugus un pavadīt laiku kopā ar tiem. Baudīt mirkli, dot un saņemt emocijas. Priecāties no sirds. Būt divas pēdas virs zemes. Smaidīt, skriet pa norasojušu zāli, brist pa peļķēm basām kājām. Nepalaist garām saulrietu. Būt tādam, kāds esi, būt saskaņā ar sevi. Neko netēlot, neuzklāt uz sejas biezu kosmētikas slāni, nepārkrauties ar rotaslietām, bet darīt to ko vēlies. Atdoties mūzikai un vienoties kopīgā dziesmā. Dari visu, ko viens sirds vēlas, neierobežo sevi. Neaizmirsti to, kas ir bijis. Bezbēdīgi raudzīties jūras plašumā un sajust priežu sveķu smaržu. Braukt ezerā ar laivu, elpot tīru gaisu un kliegt aiz laimes, jo dzīvoju skaistākajā pasaules malā. Atrast prieku visvienkāršākajās lietās, kas patiesībā izrādās lieliskas. Uzdrīkstēšanās, ieriebjot standartiem. Satikt draugus, nevis zvanīt viņiem. Neievērot sarkanās gaismas cilvēku domās. Uzdrīkstēties darīt neizdarāmas lietas. Sevi un apkārtējo pasauli uztvert kā lielu un aizraujošu noslēpumu, kas mums kopīgi jāatklāj. Uzkrāsot lūpas, uzvilkt vismīļākās kurpes un dzīvot tā kā patīk. Pamēģināt kaut ko neparastu. Svaigs gaiss un vējš matos, un katrā no mums. Neaizmirsti lietas un cilvēkus, kas Tev kādreiz ir bijuši mīļi un dārgi. Ticēt, cerēt un mīlēt!
here's one blog from my heart, haven't made them for a while.
Have you ever felt that feeling whenever you see someone, you freeze and your heart starts to beat so fast and you have to hold on to something so you wouldn’t fall? Sometimes when they talk to you, do you say stupid words and end up embarrassing yourself? It’s not that you want it, but just the presence of that person makes your heart beat faster and slower at the same time. Would you be brave and admit your feelings? What if it’s simply not meant to be, do you give up? Or keep trying and end up with nothing? Well, that’s love. Its irony speaks, but you got to take risks to get answers. When you meet someone and you gradually fall in love with that person, try to express your love to her because every moment you wasted would be equal to tons of regret in the end. Don’t wait until it’s too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. Because when they are gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry they won’t hear you anymore.
If you just realize what I just realized,
We'd be perfect for each other
And will never find another
realized what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder if
We missed out on each other.
You make me feel so epic, like nothing I felt before.
it would be a lot easier to make up my mind.. if i hadn't already lost it some time ago.
First school week have passed, and I'm feeling good..even too good.
This week was too rushy..all the time just - school-home-training-home-sleep - but I love that..cause I don't have time to do some really stupid things..
Yeah, holidays have passed too..tomorrow school, again. :/
And, I really want to give a big hug to Lauris Darzins and say that his hat trick was amazing! This was really good one, boy! :)
Have a good day, and don't forget to watch game at evening! :)