februāris 04, 2012


Decided, that today I will go to city centre and then skating with friend! I'm pretty excited, cause I really love skating, but I haven't done it since December..hope everything will go well. :)

Wish me luck!


Go Sens, Go!

Gooood Morning! :)

Just woke up.. Ready for doing nothing today.. ;D

Ahh, I watched New York Islanders vs. Ottawa Senators game last night. A little bit sad, that Sens lost it. But game was good, I liked it.. :)
There will be another game tonight Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Ottawa Senators. I'll watch it too. Hope we'll win this one. :)

 and I hope, that Daugavins will play and score! :)))

Anyways, today outside is beautiful weather it's cold but there's sunshine too, soo it all together looks really beautiful! Soo I'm thinking about going out for a while.. but that will be later..it's too early right now.

Hope you all will have a good day too!


februāris 03, 2012


Ahh, I'm soooo happy because Dinamo won, we have 3 more points and Karsums scored! :))

After game I just watched some tv shows and ate ice cream, again.
Now I will watch concert and then some NHL hockey game, maybe.

Hope you have good time tonight! Love you all!


look at the stars, look how they shine for you*

Heyyy everyone! :)

I'm home early! From 7 lessons I had only 2! Soo it's pretty cool! :)
Today outside is cold again.. I hate this cold winter!!!! ;/

Anyway, now I'm gonna eat something for lunch, then watch new episode of The Vampire Diaries and then it's hockey game!!

Yayyy, I thought that I won't see it because of school, but now I definitely will. Soo, I hope that Dinamo will get those 3 points, we need them!! :)))

And something nice for lunch:

Have a nice day! :)


februāris 02, 2012

home, sweet home!

Hellllllllloooooooooooo everyone! :)

A big 'i'm sooo sorry' about not writing here for a year! But now I'm back and ready to tell you everything..okay, almost everything..

Soo, it wouldn't be really interesting to tell you about everything that have been in this year, soo I'll just tell you about today..

Actually, today was pretty good, because I didn't go to school :)) Anyway, I had to go to bank and ATM, and afterwards I bought tickets. Not for me, but for my mom. She's coming to Latvia in June..you know.. I'll graduate high school, finally!!! :)))
But, it's tooooooo soon to talk about that, because first of all, I have to pass my exams..

Anyway, now I'm gonna watch some tv show, eat ice cream and read some books.

Hope you have a good night!

Love you all!
