februāris 11, 2012


Goood morning world!!! :))

I'm in really good mood today! :) Everything is perfect! Yeah :)

Sooo yesterday I got my package from my mom. I'm happyhappyhappy, because I got everything I wanted soo badly! :)) And my soft pink oxfords too.. :)) Yayy! :)) 
And I got my last birthday gift from my cousin. Really love it :))
Ouhh, also my mom on Thursday bought me a dress for prom. It's perfect!!!! Can't wait to see it and wear it! :))

My plan for today is to watch hockey. There will be Latvia vs. France playing. Then watch some tv shows and in the evening watch Sens game. :)))

Hope you all have a great Saturday! :))
Love you all!


februāris 08, 2012

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Hey! :)

Ahh, it was soo long day today..I'm so tired that all I can think about is my bed.
Soo today I went to school. Wrote test in math but I have a feeling that it won't be good. Then I had 2 English lessons. Had to write an essay about education. It seems easy for me, but I'm not so sure will my teacher like it. After then I came home for a while and then went back to city. I had to meet Dzenija so we could go to pizzeria and after then to cinema.
Aghh, movie was perfect!! Can't wait for second part!!
And yeah, we took some photo too.. ;D

And tomorrow will be good too, because my lessons starts only at 10am and I have 4 lessons. Yayy! :))

But now I'll watch a little bit FC Barcelona game and then sleep.
Sweet dreams everyone!


februāris 07, 2012


Heyyy! :))

Ahh, had an amazing day today! :)
First of all school was good. 3 lessons didn't happend! Yayy!!
After school I and Ruta went to pizzeria. Haven't been there for such a long time. It's just nice to sit, eat some delicious food and talk about some unimportant things.
Then I went home and got ready for tomorrows math test. Hope I'll pass it.
After that I just watched new episode  of Gossip Girl. By the way, it's my favorite tv show. ;)
Now I'm just watching concert in honor of Martins Freimanis. He was such a good singer. He's not with us anymore but his music is still alive!


Yeah, I know that tomorrow gonna be a perfect day, because I have only 3 lessons!! It will be sooo good! And in the afternoon I will go to cinema with friend. Finally I will have a chance to see movie Girl with the dragon tattoo!! I've already read all the books and seen the Swedish movie, but I think that this one will be better! :)))

Soo, hope you all have a nice evening too!


februāris 06, 2012

1 000 000 domu nakts

Heyy! :)

I'm home from school. Tough day. Good sports lessons. Volleyball! :))
Then did my home works. Read a book for literature.

I'm pretty shocked about some people. A fan of hockey player is good, but having a crush on him is lame. C'mon grow up you little girl! Aghh, it's just sooo funny and nothing else.

Now I'll eat something for dinner and then maybe write my essay in literature or watch some tv show.
And then sleep. sleep. sleep.

Love you all!


februāris 05, 2012

tu esi mans draugs!

Heyyy! :))

Soo Dinamo lost the game today :( but at least Ak Bars won! Yayyy :))
After hockey I just did some girls stuff.. like nothing interesting..

Although, right now I'm talking with my friend Linda.. haven't done that for such a looong time..I missed her! :)

After then I'll just take some rest. It's Monday tomorrow. :(

Hope you all have a good before school evening! :)
Love you all!



Heyyy! :))

It's Sunday already..ugh, tomorrow school again. :(
I've slept only 5h and I'm sooo sleepy today.. just laying in my bed all day long and drinking hot chocolate.. i'm kind a addicted to it.. ;D as you can see in pic ;D

and finally i got pics from yesterday.. and i will repeat it again - it was soooo good yesterday.. need to go there once more.. :))

Now I'll watch hockey and then some tv shows. :)

Have a nice day! :))



Heyy :)

Soo as I said I went skateing today.. it was soooo good.. i just love that feeling when you are on ice :))
After then I came home and sleep for a while, soo I could watch Sens vs. Leafs tonight. They aren't pretty good tonight..after second period 0:3 :(
But I think that I'll go sleep now..it's late right now[4am] and I want to sleep soo much.. :)

Sleep tight!
