marts 17, 2012

We Believe

Heyyy everyone! :)

It's 7am right now and I'm getting ready for going to Riga. Why? It's Dinamo Riga seasons ending event. They will thank us for being with them for all this time, but we -fans- will say thank you to them for all those perfect emotions they gave us.
By the way, it's my last event with Dinamo for a really long time, because when the next season will start I won't live in Latvia anymore. So I won't have a chance to go to their games. Feeling sad about it, but that's why I will enjoy this day! :)

And just for you, my readers I took some outfit photos. Nothing special, because I still don't have camera, but this is better than nothing. ;)

 (I just love these zippers.)

(I know there is one missing button. I'll fix it.)

  (Spring coat - Alibi, cardigan - Cubus, t-shirt - some little shop in town, jeans - Primark.)

P.S.  This is scheduled post. ;)

Hope you all have a nice day!


marts 14, 2012


Heyy you! :)

I'm home for a while. Listening music and checking my spring wardrobe. And were comes spring there comes oxfords too. Love them soooo much! :) Do you love them too?

(These black ones are my favourite. But I have 2 more pairs. Softly pink and cream colour.)

I found some more photos from last Saturday when Dzelzs Vilks were playing.

 (I just love how he moves on stage.)

Soo, today I finally started to learn something for my Russian language exam. Isn't soo hard. :)

(Watched Ak Bars vs Traktor game today.)

(Making brownies today.)

Hope you all have a nice evening.



Gooood morning! :)

Today is another sunny day outside. I just love this time when spring is coming. :))
Yesterday me and Jenny went outside for a really long walk.. I think we walked some 8-10km. But weather was perfect. I took some photos too. ;)
Enjoy! :)

 (I don't know what, but I really love something in this photo.)

 (My favourite one.)

Now I'm going out again. Hope you all have really nice day!
Love you!


marts 11, 2012

Ai Se Eu te Pego

Heyyyyyyy! :))

I'm sooo happy! As you know yesterday I went to Talsi because my favourite Latvian band Dzelzs Vilks were playing. It was soooo good! Feeling like a happiest girl in the world right now! :)

 (Dzelzs Vilks on stage.)

(I look as awful as I can, but the main thing is that I have a photo with them. 
And I'm really sorry about quality. It was really dark inside. ;) )

(Before concert we went to pizzeria.)

(Totally forgot to tell you that some time ago I got this perfect The Vampire Diaries poster. Love it! It's extra big!)

(Love my mint green nail polish. <3 )

(Sometimes I love rainy weather because I can wear my flower print wellies.)

(Now I'll eat a lot of junk food and watch some TV Shows.)

Love you all!


marts 08, 2012


Heyy! :)

Happy International Women's Day to all ladies. Hope you'll celebrate it good! :)
(That's how our classmate greets us at Maths class + there was a Raffaello for every girl in class. So sweet. :) )

Today I had a tough day at school but nothing is impossible. ;D
Came home, sleep a little bit. Now I'll watch hockey and then it's Twilight: New Moon on TV. Will watch it.

And my readers, it's only 2[!] days till Dzelzs Vilks are playing in my city! Yayyyy! :)))

Have a nice evening! Love you all! xo


marts 07, 2012


Heyy! :)

Sorry for not  writing for such a long time. I was really busy with school and I'm a little bit sick. So I'm just going to school, doing my home works and sleeping. Need to be back on line till Saturday because my favourite latvian band is playing in my city. Don't want to miss it!

Anyway, last time I promised that I'll post photos from hockey game, but actually I have just one photo. ;D But yesterday I got some photos from that concert that was some time ago and I'll share some of those photos. ;)


(Me and my poster for Sundays game.)

 (Me and Iluta singing our favourite song.)

 (Me and Iluta.)

 (Me saying Thank You to my school.)

(Something from our performance.)

(That's how we support our team!)


(My class singing.)

(My class and the best teacher ever!)

(From left: Ruta, Krista and me.)

(From left: Ruta, Tina, Krista and me.)

Hope you liked! :)
Now I'll eat something for lunch and watch some TV Shows. Then sleep. Hope you all have a nice evening!


marts 04, 2012


Gooood Morning everyone! :)

It's Sunday already, but this time I've been waiting for this day all week. Today I'm going to Riga. It's 4th Play-off game for Dinamo today! Soo, this evening will be perfect! :))
I'm so excited already! :)))

Promise, to tell you everything tomorrow!

Hope you all have a nice day too!
