janvāris 29, 2011

Not all those who wander are lost!

Gosh, one more week have passed..yeah!! :)

Tūkstošiem mazu debestiņu krīt no gaisa un sakrīt man kapucē. Es uzlieku kapuci galvā un esmu debesīs... (M.Freimanis)

I just want to say - Rest in peace, Mārtiņ! You were a great singer and I still love songs you made! :)

it was really emotional week..many things happened..
but you know..week are great if friday is great..and mine was! :)

anyway, I want to say really big-Congratulations! - to Lauris Darzins who will play in KHL All Star Game 5th of February 2011 in Saint Petersburg! Yeah, I'm totally happy about you! :)

I guess thats all for my official part of blog.. :D
but next one is my favourite.. :)

Одиночество - сволочь
Одиночество - скука
Я не чувствую сердце
Я не чувствую руку

Я сама так решила
Тишина мне подруга
Лучше б я согрешила
Одиночество - мука
Одиночество - сука

i just love that song sooo much.. :)

Winter are cold, but you are colder!

this blog will be full with songs..I think soo.. ;p

sometimes it's not the person you miss. it's the feelings 
and moments you had when you were with them.

and here's some pictures I like..again.. 
i just love them.. :)

Love that bag.. /h/

simply, but sooo lovely.. :)
and that bow.. /h/

I love that shirt..and tights..want them too.. /h/

I have nothing to say - perfeeeeeect!!! /h/

I have no idea, why I put this pic here..I just like how it all looks together.. :)

and one more song in the end! :)

you really belived, that it will be last song?!
no way! :D

and now really the last song..something sweet and nice..yeah, right.. ;DD

Love you all!


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